Preemptive Love

25 Days of Peace: December 15

As part of our new Gift Catalog, we created this activity guide to help you practice peace in small ways during the holiday season.

Today, find something you can give away…

Day 15: Practice Generosity

Find something you can give away, but not just any old thing. It has to be something meaningful.

Often, waging peace is as easy as putting someone else first. The opposite is true, too: when we seek to promote ourselves or our own needs, it often creates conflict and turmoil. (Think about the last time you tried to cut in on someone in traffic or how you felt when someone jumped ahead in line at the grocery store.) Today, find something you can give away, but not just any old thing. It should be something meaningful, something you value. And when you give it away, know that you are planting a small seed of peace in our world.

Come back tomorrow for day 16! You can also view the full 25 Days of Peace activity guide here.


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