Preemptive Love

25 Days of Peace: December 22

As part of our new Gift Catalog, we created this activity guide to help you practice peace in small ways during the holiday season.

Today, let’s wage peace without saying a word…

Day 22: Listen

Instead of handing out solutions today, take some time to listen.

One of the most important lessons we’ve learned during our years in the Middle East is that the best way to help is by listening.

Most of the time, people already know what they need in order to get out of poverty or bring peace to their neighborhoods. Today, spend some time listening to someone—maybe it’s a homeless person, maybe it’s someone who is hurting, or maybe it’s your child. Take a moment today and bring peace into the world by actively listening.

Come back tomorrow for day 23! You can also view the full 25 Days of Peace activity guide here.


Wage Peace in Syria and Iraq as You Wage Peace at Home…