Preemptive Love

Miserable Conditions West of Fallujah, You Responded With 50,000 Pounds of Food


Every time the Iraqi Army is able to open a safe corridor out of Fallujah, thousands flee for safety. They walk for miles, passing through towns and villages along the main road out of the city. If they have extended family who live along the way, those who’ve been displaced may find shelter with them.

Eventually they pass displacement camps, already full of families who were able to escape before them. So they keep walking.

Five hundred families walked far enough to the west of Fallujah that they finally found a place to stop. It’s a very rudimentary camp, put together quickly to accommodate swelling numbers of escapees.

One member of our team described the camp this way: it’s miserable. Few shelters, no services, and no electricity—all of which means crowded tents and no way to cool the air in the scorching heat.

You showed up for these families—2,753 people in all—when almost no one else has. They were traumatized, hot, and exhausted. But here they can rest. Here they can catch their breaths. And now, thanks to you, they are able to eat.

This week, you provided 50,000 pounds of food for these families who just escaped Fallujah.

Because of you, families who starved for months under ISIS will be able to regain their strength. Thank you for going to the hard places with us, for refusing to turn away. Please help us as we continue to feed Fallujah’s children.

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