Preemptive Love

For 70,000 Survivors of War, This is Their Only Source of Medical Care

Hussein was studying to become a doctor when terrorists seized his hometown and he was forced to flee. He finished medical school though and came back—the minute his community was free.

Today, Dr. Hussein and the clinic we run are the only source of medical care for 70,000 people. He even risks his life to reach patients in more remote, dangerous parts of Iraq.

Help Dr. Hussein and others continue this lifesaving work. $15 can help him make another 10 medical visits.

(You can read more of Dr. Hussein’s harrowing story below.)

All his life, Hussein dreamed of making his family proud by becoming a doctor.

Hussein grew up in a small, rural community in Iraq, where family and community are of the greatest importance. He was accepted to university and began studying to become a doctor.

Living near his family and pursuing his dream—life was good for Hussein.

But Hussein was only two years into medical school when ISIS took control of Hussein’s community. Forced to flee, Hussein left behind his family—and, it seemed, his dream of being a doctor.

70,000 people depend on Hussein and this clinic for medical care. He, and you, are their only lifeline.

But terror and the trauma of a harrowing escape could not stop Hussein. He went back to school in Baghdad and finished his studies to become a doctor. For three years he studied hard and worked extra hours to support himself and to send money back to his family, still living in an ISIS-oppressed area. Separated from his close-knit family, Hussein lived in constant worry for their safety.

“Those were the hardest times,” he says.

As soon as Dr. Hussein’s town was freed from ISIS, he went back, eager to see his community and family once more. His heart was broken by what he saw. Everything was destroyed. No one could get the medical care they needed.

Dr. Hussein dedicated himself to meeting the overwhelming healthcare needs of the area. He works at our clinic, the only one for miles around. He risks his life going out into remote—and often dangerous—towns to care for those who cannot come to him.

“Despite all the risks we take of going to villages far from being safe… we have to do this because there are no services provided,” Dr. Hussein says.

Just $15 can help Dr. Hussein visit 10 more patients, providing quality, life-saving care to those who desperately need it. 70,000 people depend on Dr. Hussein and this clinic for medical care. He—and you—are their only lifeline.

Give today to ensure that 70,000 survivors of terror and war can get the care they need.