Preemptive Love

A Glance Back, A Long Look Forward

I’m sure this has never happened to you, but today I got distracted at work…

I blame the internet (read: Twitter) for being so interesting. But at least it was a semi-productive kind of distracted; I started reading back through some of the very first posts on this blog, written by Jeremy way back in the day.

This was back when we still emphasized our Buy Shoes. Save Lives. program, and Jeremy ended a few of the emails with quirky phrases like “shod thyself” and signed off with some pretty epic monikers like “the rad-ifier” (someone who makes things rad, obviously) and “the wristbandits,” just to name a couple.

But all this rabbit-trailing was a great reminder of PLC’s history and what you have made possible! Some of you have faithfully read this blog for years. You’ve been with us through serious tragedy, and sky-high elation. You stuck with us when we failed (and wrote about it in-detail) and when we transitioned to our current Remedy Mission model.

You rooted us on back when this was all just a big, beautiful mess-of-an-idea. You believed in us, and I hope you know how grateful we are for it.

PLC turned 4 years old last February, and that quick look back at our history reminded me how much further we have to go. By the end of the year we’ll be developing heart centers in five cities across the country—great news, right!? But the key word there is ‘developing,’ because these centers will likely take five-eight years before they’re fully independent and self-sustaining.

So we need you to stick with us, to keep reading, and to remember that this won’t happen without you. Countless thousands of children are still waiting, and countless thousands will be saved if we can just keep moving and looking forward together.

With you to the end,

The Rad-ifier