Preemptive Love

Creating Peace on Earth for Refugees

It’s a strange time to be thinking about peace on earth, with the battle against ISIS raging inside Mosul and with America practically tearing itself apart over tomorrow’s election.

What does “peace on earth” look like for you?

What does it look like for someone whose entire life was disrupted by war—who lost everything, who became a refugee?

What if the answer is the same for you and me as it is for them? What if our peace is bound up in theirs?

For the last few years, as the refugee crisis has exploded in Syria and Iraq, you have seen what others don’t. You’ve seen beyond hopelessness and despair. You’ve seen something other than just helpless victims.

You’ve seen possibility.

You’ve seen mothers and fathers who already have what it takes to provide for their children; they just need someone to stand with them.

You’ve seen entrepreneurs and business owners—soapmakers and candle-makers, seamstresses and craftsmen.

You’ve seen that refugees deserve better than to just survive; they deserve the chance to flourish.

You have empowered Syrian and Iraqi refugees all over this place—helping them start businesses, providing the tools and training they need, and then stepping aside as they take the lead in creating a new future for their families.

This is how we create “peace on earth.” When we choose to see life where others can only see death. When we see possibility where others see hopelessness. When we choose to see thriving entrepreneurs instead of helpless victims.

That’s what our first-ever Gift Catalog is all about. It’s about sharing the gift of empowerment and inviting others to join in making “peace on earth” a reality for displaced families.

This catalog is more than a collection of products. It’s a collection of hope, reborn from the ashes of war.

When you buy refugee-made soap and candles, equip an entrepreneur, or provide livestock for a displaced family, you empower them to write a new story. Your gift helps them participate in their new communities, add value, and feel a sense of belonging again.

My hope is that by choosing one or more of these gifts this holiday season, your family will be transformed, as you connect with your refugee sisters and brothers on the other side of the world. Because the people who benefit from your gift—they aren’t just numbers or faces. They’re people we’ve wept with, celebrated with. We’ve paced hospital corridors while refugee moms gave birth. We’ve shared meals and laughter together. They’re our beloved friends. Our neighbors.

And we’d like them to be yours, too, because real empowerment can’t be mass-produced. Real empowerment is about relationship—one that changes everyone involved.

This holiday season, let’s do more than sing about “peace on earth.” Let’s help bring it about for families who were uprooted by war.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for walking alongside our refugee friends—for sharing your tangible acts of love and showing them that they are not forgotten.

Visit our Gift Catalog today—and empower a refugee family this Christmas.

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