Preemptive Love

20,000 Children Trapped: Fallujah Crisis Update

After a week of advances, the military campaign against ISIS is stalled on the edges of Fallujah; the UN has warned that 20,000 children are among those trapped inside; and we’re about to deliver 50,000+ pounds of food to families recently liberated from ISIS.

Here’s the latest on the crisis in Fallujah… 


After quickly capturing territory around Fallujah last week, Iraqi forces have encountered fierce resistance on the edges of the city itself. According to news reports, the front lines have not changed significantly over the past 48 hours.

Today, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the final assault on Fallujah would be delayed for the sake of “protecting civilians.” But he maintained the Iraqi flag will fly again over the city “in the coming few days.”

The stall in military progress is not unexpected. As we noted in our initial report on Fallujah last week, ISIS has had plenty of time to dig in and prepare for the assault. As the battle moves into the more densely populated urban center, the violence and devastation are only going to intensify.

20,000 Children Trapped

Today’s developments led the United Nations to warn that an already dire situation for civilians in Fallujah is growing worse. Some 20,000 children are thought to be among those still trapped inside the city.

There are fears that as ISIS is hemmed in, they will forcibly conscript children into battle.

First Wave of Aid

This week, we’re sending more than 50,000 pounds of food to families who were recently liberated from ISIS. Here’s the first truckload of aid, ready to go…

This is only the beginning—children still trapped in the heart of the Fallujah are in desperate need of safe passage and lifesaving aid. Thanks to you, we are responding on the front lines.

We’ll continue to update you on the children you are helping us serve in Fallujah.

Map: Institute for the Study of War