Preemptive Love

Fallujah: Going Where Others Are Unwilling to Venture

“Relief officials say the lack of aid is symptomatic of an international aid system that not only is chronically underfunded but is ill-equipped to respond quickly or effectively in the conflict zones…”

“Many groups, including some of the largest, are unwilling to venture into the places they are needed most.”

Jane Arraf, a correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor, recently published a piece about the refugee crisis in Iraq, asking “Why aid doesn’t make it from Baghdad to refugee camp.”

Arraf notes the danger and difficulty of serving around Fallujah—including the airstrikes last month that nearly killed several members of our team. She points out failures in the international response. But she also sees how YOU are responding, in spite of the immense challenges:

“[Jeremy] Courtney, the founder of Preemptive Love, says the group has been learning as it goes along about delivering emergency aid. The organization started working a decade ago in Iraq, bringing in teams of heart surgeons to operate on children and training Iraqi doctors and surgical staff.”

“We are organized around a principle of trying to carefully, intelligently, but ultimately daringly if necessary reach out … to help those people who don’t have any other options When that is your organizing principle, it affects how you look at conflict, how you look at loss, how you hire and recruit.”
—Jeremy Courtney, Preemptive Love

When you donate, this is how your generosity is demonstrated on the ground.  The fact that you give, and give quickly, allows us to respond quickly.

The news outlets covering the crisis in Iraq might not know you by name, but they see what you’re accomplishing. Thank you.

Help us continue to care for children who lost everything to ISIS.

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