Preemptive Love

Featured Partner: David Beccue

This month’s featured Coalition member is David Beccue.

Working internationally as a software engineer and business owner, his chief aspiration is to know, love, and serve GOD well with what he’s been given.

He also shares our Core Value of all-inclusive care“I’m really attracted to the model of addressing people’s needs so holistically: health, spirit, vocation, politics, worldview, etc.”

But that love for the whole person isn’t just a pithy abstraction. For David, caring for others begins with the person next door and extends outward:

“Continue to love people around you, but don’t neglect getting involved in ministering to the whole world as well. Organizations like PLC are a great way to lengthen your arms to serve people where your legs don’t travel.”

So if you haven’t perused our Core Values lately, I’d encourage you to go check them out. We want you to know exactly what the Coalition is all about and what we’re asking you to take part in. Then, if you like what you see, go add us on Facebook so we can stay in touch.

There is no Coalition without you!