Preemptive Love

#GivingTuesday: Today We Give Back for Aleppo

For many of us, #GivingTuesday is a chance to slow down after a day of giving thanks and filling our bellies—and several days of shopping. It’s a chance to look at the world around us and make a tangible difference.

For our friends in Aleppo and Mosul—for children like Bana—today is about something more. Today is about life or death.

Over the weekend, while many of us celebrated and shopped, the situtation in Aleppo deteriorated rapidly. Bana and her family—and so many like hers—lost their homes in the devastation. In a matter of hourse, 20,000 people were driven to the outskirts of the city, forced to sleep on the streets as airstrikes pounded the earth.

Meanwhile in Mosul, up to a million people are caught in the fight against ISIS—either unable or unwilling to leave their homes for the confines of a refugee camp.

But there IS hope. Because this is the day we show up.

Help us raise $65,000 today, to protect and empower besieged families in Aleppo, Mosul, and beyond.

When you give, you help us show up for families who have lost everything to war and violence. You help us respond to not one but two of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time, bringing desperately needed food and winter supplies. But we need more funding to go where the need is graetst.

Even as you read this, our aid convoys are gearing up to bring more aid to families in Mosul and Aleppo—this week. And we need you to go with us.

Time and again, you have showed up for these families. You’ve let them know they are not forgotten or alone. You’ve stood by them, long after rest of the world moved on. Long after their upheaval ceased to be a trending topic or headline news, you were there.

Let’s show up for them again. Let’s be the people who keep going where other’s won’t, who keep loving the ones no one else will love.

I can’t wait to see how you’ll show up for those who need it most. Let’s see how big an impact we can make together!

After you donate, tell others why you’re giving back today. Use the hashtag #GivingTuesday and tag @preemptivelove on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to help spread the word!

Courtney Christenson contributed to this post. Photo by Esther Havens.