Preemptive Love

#GivingTuesday Update: We’re SO Close to Launching Our Tech Space for Refugees

So many of you showed up yesterday for our refugee friends. Thanks to you, we are SO CLOSE to launching WorkWell, our new tech spaces for Syrian and Iraq refugees.

When refugees walk through the doors of this space, they’ll no longer be just refugees. They will become entrepreneurs. Coders. Designers. Freelancers.

They’ll no longer be dependent on the limited opportunities available in a refugee camp or the goodwill of big aid organizations. They will own their future.

But we’re not there yet. We need to close the gap today.

Two generous donors have already stepped up with a $24,000 gift. They’re challenging you to meet the rest of the need so we can open up this tech space. If you haven’t given already, please do so today. If you think you missed your chance on #GivingTuesday, you didn’t.

$50 can equip a classroom with desks and chairs.

$90 can provide a month of child care for a refugee mom who has no one to watch her children while she rebuilds her family’s future.

$500 can provide a computer for a refugee to use as he builds his freelance business.

$2,000 can provide a year’s worth of tuition for a refugee student.

Please give today, and help Syrian and Iraqi refugees break free from the cycle of war and dependence on handouts.