Preemptive Love

Hamma Is In Surgery!

Remember super-sad-faced Hamma?! He’s getting surgery now! I spent much of the day running in and out of the operating room to check on him. His father kept poking his head in from the hallway and whispering, “Psst! Mister! Photo Hamma?” I felt like an image delivery boy with all the running back-and-forth, but letting Hamma’s dad ‘watch’ his son’s progress through surgery was extremely rewarding—at one point he even side-hugged me!

Here are a few of the photos I showed dad throughout the day:

(The boy isn’t alone here, the nurse just stepped away from the window)

As you can imagine, each picture I showed them brought on strong emotions, and by the end of the day his parent’s eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and crying. But the doctors report that the surgery is going well. More to come…