Preemptive Love

How One Family Returned Looking For Their Belongings And A Second Chance

Today was our first day in the hospital, but it felt more like the first day of school. The hallways were filled with families and their children, deliveries were made, rooms were assigned, tours were given, and in the midst of all that we were looking for little four-year-old Noor. While we were on the hunt for Noor, her family was looking for the lost and found in search of all their belongings that they left behind from the last Remedy Mission.

Noor was scheduled to receive surgery last Remedy, but on the last day her family received news that there wasn’t any more time left to operate on their child. It would have to happen the next mission.

Heartbroken that their daughter wouldn’t be given a chance this time around, they held Noor close and returned home – forgetting all of their belongings on the hospital floor. 

Today, they returned for all that was theirs to claim: their belongings and a second chance. 

Noor’s on the schedule again for what we all hope will be a lifesaving surgery. Until then, we’re enjoying another opportunity to love on Noor! 

Join us this week as we follow her second chance.