Preemptive Love

Getting Kids Back to School so Families Can Get Back Home

Families are returning to Telskuf, an ancient Christian community on the outskirts of Mosul. They fled when ISIS swept through the area, intent on wiping out Christianity.

Now these families want to rebuild. But there’s one thing they need before they can come home to stay:

They need a way to get their children back in school.

The school in Telskuf was damaged in the fight against ISIS. For now, parents’ only option is to send their kids to school in another city, 20 minutes up the road. The problem is that there already aren’t enough school buses for all the children in Telskuf. And even more families want to return—if there’s a way for their kids to go to school.

We need to raise $50,000 to provide two more school buses, so children on the outskirts of Mosul can return to the classroom.

It seems a little cliche to say these kids are the future of their community—but they are. And they’re ready to embrace that future. They just need a lift.

“I don’t want to lose my schooling,” 8-year-old Meron said after returning home to Telskuf. “I want to be a big engineer and help rebuild.”

Please give today so Meron and his classmates can achieve their dream of an education.