Preemptive Love

In the Middle of Syria’s Civil War, One Kitchen Is Sustaining 30,000 People

Ever since families poured out of Aleppo, fleeing the destruction of everything they knew, you’ve met them nearby with hot meals to sustain them on their darkest days. A lot of hot meals.

Much of the world has moved on. But the need here in the Aleppo province—it isn’t going away.

The war is still raging in Syria. Families are still fleeing, desperate to find somewhere safe—anywhere. Just last week, another 1,200 displaced people arrived at our Aleppo feeding center.

The need is still here, so the kitchen is still open, still serving hot meals for 25,000 to 30,000 people, five days a week. We’re also giving each family monthly packages of ready-to-eat food to supplement the meals they get from the kitchen.

Altogether, you’re providing 600,000 hot meals every month near Aleppo.

You’ve helped us keep the this feeding center going for nearly six months. But the need isn’t going away.

Our current funding for the Aleppo feeding center runs through the end of this month—that’s only a few days away. But with thousands of Syrians still coming to us for help, we cannot turn away.

Help us maintain our Aleppo feeding center through the hot summer months.

The need isn’t going anywhere, here in the Aleppo province. Neither are we.