Preemptive Love

Our New Medical Supply Campaign, Or How Hearts Are Like Quilts

In a way, children’s hearts are like quilts.

They are beautiful and unique—no two are quite the same.

And when they need to be fixed—when they’re torn—they both need to be patched up; stitched together.

Here in Iraq, there are a lot of “torn” hearts.

We need your help to mend them together again, so we’ve started a medical supply campaign to invite you to buy stitches and patches for these children.

If you give just $9, you provide an Iraqi child with a suture kit used to stitch up a heart or chest. A donation of $56 will purchase a small heart patch for a child in need, and a donation of $280 will purchase a large heart patch.

Your donations put lifesaving supplies directly in the hands of the doctors, allowing our upcoming Remedy Missions—like Remedy Mission XIX in southern Iraq, which starts Monday—to move forward, well-equipped and ready to heal. Click here to give, and keep an eye on the blog to see how your stitches and patches hold the hearts of these children together.

Click here to buy lifesaving medical supplies!

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