Preemptive Love

Parzheen’s Strong Heart Takes Her From The ICU To The Hospital Ward!

Parzheen barely had time to get comfortable in the Intensive Care Unit before they told her she was well enough to go down to the hospital ward!

The nurses asked her if she wanted her father to carry her down to the hospital ward and she said “NO!” She wanted to walk downstairs on her own. She just couldn’t wait to put her new heart to the test.

Parzheen is now beginning physical therapy which is only going to help get her to the point where she can run and play for the first time with a healthy heart!

Today she invited us to her house and we said “YES!” We’re spending as much time with her as we can but it’s always fun knowing that these relationships are only just now beginning!

How do you keep following her story? Just keep following us on Facebook and TwitterIf you’re on Twitter this week be sure to use the #RemedyMission hashtag to describe all the good news coming out of Iraq this week via @preemptivelove.