Preemptive Love

Remedy Mission XXII Launches Today!

Love isn’t just a feeling. For us, it’s a mission. 

Today, that mission continues in southern Iraq as we launch Remedy Mission XXII! 

Over the next two weeks, we hope to provide over twenty lifesaving heart surgeries to children throughout Iraq. We’ll operate on babies. Toddlers. Disabled children. Teenagers. Boys. Girls. Sunnis. Shiites. Those with homes. Those who have been displaced. All different, but all united by their need for a lifesaving heart surgery.

Meet Saaja. Saaja is from southern Iraq and has waited over 14 years for her lifesaving heart surgery. Today, you get to help us end that wait!

Saaja heads into the operating room this morning. Stay tuned as we follow the lifesaving journey of Saaja and so many others!