Preemptive Love

Volunteer Profile: Meet Cori Cummings

Last month, hundreds got together on Valentine’s Day to nosh on pink-frosted sugar cookies and raise funds, so kids with congenital heart defects can get lifesaving surgeries.

This month, Cori Cummings will race in a triathlon so more children can make it onto the operating table. 

Preemptive Love: Cori, how long have you been training for the triathlon?

Cori Cummings: I decided to train as an amateur triathlete since I’m definitely a novice Olympic distance racer. I’m naturally athletic and active and I kickbox twice a week, but no matter who you are, if you want to finish an Olympic tri you need to train. When I registered back in December, I found a 12 week training program that I intended to follow, but full disclosure, I’ll have really only been training for about 6 weeks before the race.That being said, I won’t be the fastest person out there, but I do feel close to ready, and I think I’m going to enjoy it! 

PL: What is your super hero power? (I know you have one!)

CC: Haha, I sure do wish I had one. I’m pretty sure I can speak to animals… well I’m pretty sure I can speak to my cat, Tido. I also make a mean breakfast taco. But if I could have an upgrade to that, it’d be to be able to speak any language in the world. Or to have a retractable tail and wings combo. 

PL: When you’ve already swam 1000 m, rode 26 mi on your bike… what goes through your mind at mile 5 of the run?

CC: Your guess is as good as mine! Probably something along the lines of “I know that I have legs because I’m still moving. Otherwise I’m not so sure because I can’t feel them.” Or “1 mile til sweet potato fries,” but that’s like a constant state. 

PL: You said in your video that you were looking for something practical you could do at home to help, until you’re able to visit Iraq in person. Do you have any advice for someone else who might considering a fundraising adventure?

CC: Well pray would be my first encouragement. God is just as sovereign today as he’s always been. 

I’d say to be passionate, be patient, be persistent, and do what you can to show people why you’re raising funds and why it really does matter. Show how the organization/cause you’re fundraising for is changing people’s lives in a sustainable, dignified and inclusive way. You may not rally the troops, but however many people you get involved will be thankful they were given the chance to help. 


Fundraisers like Cori have helped save the lives of so many children—why not join them? Click here to start a fundraiser of your own, or be sure to contact us with questions.