Preemptive Love

In a War Zone, a Woman’s Period is More than an Inconvenience. It’s a Crisis.

Family, we need to talk.

We were talking with one of our partners earlier today, about how to best meet the needs of families at the remaining frontlines in the fight against ISIS. Right now, advance teams are in newly liberated communities, asking what they need most. This is how we do things, right? We show up, and we listen.

These communities have been ravaged by ISIS for years now. Life has not been easy for a long time. As the advance teams are meeting with community leaders and listening for what’s needed most, can you guess what keeps coming up, again and again?

Food? No.

Water? Not this time.

Women’s sanitary pads.

Family, Iraq is a place where you don’t talk about periods. You don’t joke about PMS or “that time of the month.” You don’t talk about pregnancy in public. Ever. These are just not things you can talk about openly, and you sure can’t talk about them in mixed-gender situations.

But as we’re listening, the leaders of these communities—men—are telling us over and over again that one of the biggest needs in their neighborhoods is feminine hygiene products.

I’ve got to tell you straight… if the men in these communities are talking about feminine hygiene products, you know the situation for our sisters is bad.

These men clearly love their wives, mothers, daughters, and aunties. They want the women in their lives to be able to take care of themselves. And we really want that for them too.

They are asking for pads and soap—hygiene kits that will give them back health and dignity.

And we’re listening. We’re going to show up for our sisters in Iraq, providing up to a month’s worth of sanitary pads, refugee-made soap, and more. But we need your help.  

We need to raise $65,000 to provide sanitary pads and other hygiene essentials for 5,000 women. Every $26 provides enough for a family with daughters.  

Imagine if we had enough supply on hand that we can respond to this need as soon as a community asks.

You can bring dignity back for an entire community of women. 

Give today, and stand with our sisters in Iraq.