Preemptive Love

We Can Fix Hama’s Heart

“We can fix Hama’s heart.”

That has to be the best thing I’ve heard all mission.

But for Hama’s parents, that’s the best thing they’ve heard in eight years. That’s how long they’ve been waiting to find someone who could and would fix Hama’s heart defect.

What they’ve heard these past eight years have been statements like:

“We don’t know how to fix this.”

“The only way you can save Hama is if you leave Iraq.”

“Even if we knew how to save him, there are hundreds waiting in front of him for this same surgery.”

“I’m sorry.”

Being able to watch 8-year-old Hama get carried into the operating room was nothing short of exhilarating for me.

But watching their son being carried into the O.R. isn’t what Hama’s parents have waited eight years for. No, they’ve waited eight years for their child to be carried out of the O.R.—without a heart defect.

Hama’s eight-year wait for a surgery is over. But it’s what comes after the operation that everybody’s on pins and needles for.

Stay tuned, Hama is in surgery now.

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