Preemptive Love

“We Just Want This To End.” Updates From Our Friends In Fallujah

Whether you’ve been a Coalition member for years or are brand new to our work, you should know that Fallujah is a city that is very dear to our staff. More importantly, though, Fallujah is important to many of you. It was you who rallied and sent doctors the city twice last year.

The opportunity to work there is an honor not lost on our American staff, and we’re excited at any chance we get to serve Fallujah’s children and families.

We’ve been on the phone with friends in both Fallujah and Ramadi, trying to check in on them and their situation (catch up on what’s happening in western Iraq by clicking here). Here are a few recent statements from our friends—the people you are helping us serve and train there:

— “We are hiding in an abandoned school outside of town. There is no heat or electricity, but we are away from the fighting.”

— “I sent my family away from the city to safety, but I am staying behind to protect my home from looters and thieves.”

— “I am so disappointed be this! I cannot go to my clinic to help children. Why is this happening to us? Please encourage your government to stop sending weapons to Mr. Maliki’s troops.”

— “…I’m fine. In Baghdad, but Fallujah is still unsafe. Lots of shooting. Thanks for praying/asking about our situation. God bless.”

When we asked one friend how we could provide assistance, he said: “You could not even come into the city if you wanted to. It is like a siege, and there is no way in.” Once routes into the city become passable again, we plan to send immediate aid (medicne, supplies) into the city, and wee’re working hard to make another Remedy Mission happen there in the coming months.

We’ll let you know how the situation progresses.