Preemptive Love

We’re En Route To Our 20th Remedy Mission!

Our bags are packed. The medical supply bags are bursting at the seams. The medical team is right alongside them and in 24 hours, all of this is about to touch down in southern Iraq for Remedy Mission XX!

The last time we were in southern Iraq, we had to leave behind over one hundred children who were still needing urgent heart surgeries.

Thanks to you, we were able to give them hope: “We’ll be back.”

And now we get to make good on that promise. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be working around the clock to save the lives of as many children as we can—one lifesaving heart surgery at a time.

Here’s how you can join us.

Catch the updates in real-time here on our blog or by following us on Facebook and on Twitter.

Dial down all of the noise in your inbox and newsfeed with daily life-changing stories from Iraq—you’ll be glad you did!

Stay tuned. Remedy Mission XX starts now.

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