Preemptive Love

One Year, Huge Impact

Members of the Wayuu community receive care in our partner's clinic. Photo by Harold David Brito Ortega for Preemptive Love.

The desertified landscape stretches to the coastline, throwing the environmental contradiction into sharp relief. How can so much thirsty land sit next to so much water? For centuries, the Wayuu, an indigenous community living in La Guajira, Colombia, have navigated this paradox by conserving water in natural aquifers filled by rain. Climate change has brought hotter temperatures and less rainfall, threatening the Wayuu’s traditional way of life. With less rainfall, natural aquifers become contaminated, salty, or dry up, leaving less water to sustain crops, livestock, and people. 

Most Wayuu live in settlements without running water. Some have to walk for 90 minutes to haul water from aquifers back to their homes. A lack of clean water leads to poor hygiene and diarrhea, draining people of crucial nutrients as smaller crop yields and barren grazing fields mean they have less to eat. Public health deteriorates, pushing some Wayuu children into malnutrition.

You saw the need for health services in the Wayuu community and took action with a three-prong project. Working with local partners, you provided medical support, fostered community-based education, and addressed the factors contributing to poor health, mainly a lack of clean water and nutritious food, thereby delivering a holistic response. 

Your Impact in Numbers

Although a community’s needs determine the life cycle of a project, our monthly donors’ commitment to our work supports our long-term projects. We implemented the La Guajira Health Services project in March of 2022, and thanks to you, we ran it for 15 months. Together, this is what we accomplished: 

A health care professional visits a settlement to check on a child’s progress combatting malnutrition. Photo by Harold David Brito Ortega for Preemptive Love.

Medical Support

Community-based Education

Wayuu mothers attend a knowledge dialogue on best health practices. Photo by Harold David Brito Ortega for Preemptive Love.

Factors Contributing to Poor Health

9,208. 101. 25. 15. 38. 3725. 76,000. 1,073. 16. 

These numbers tell us many things, but they don’t tell us how your generosity has impacted the Wayuu. Medical care saves lives, but it also embodies listening, of saying we see you. We honor your way of life. And we belong to each other. 

Although our project has finished, we are exploring new ways to support our Wayuu friends. Stay tuned for updates concerning new programming in La Guajira. We couldn’t do it without you, especially our monthly donors, whose generosity enables us to build healthier communities.