2023 World Peace Day!

🚨 ACTION ALERT 🚨 Donate by Midnight this World Peace Day!

Every day, millions of people around the world endure conflict, violence, and social and political upheaval.

That’s why Preemptive Love and Search for Common Ground are working  — to bring healing,  offer relief, and take the steps necessary to build peace.

With the help of supporters like you, we are cultivating a world where peace is possible. To many people we work with around the world, peace takes on distinct meanings:

  • Peace for Fatimah in Yemen is the ability to work late in her shop because now the lit streets make walking home at night safe.
  • Peace in a rural Burundi community is listening circles where husbands and wives receive training in the Common Ground Approach and positive masculinity from our trainers. 
  • Peace on a global level at Search looks like activists from Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and Uzbekistan joined by US State Department officials and the Deputy Executive Director of UN Women to launch a global Rapid Response Fund for women peacebuilders.

While conflict may be inevitable, violence is not. Conflict is a natural result of human diversity. When we deal with conflict adversarially, it generates polarization and violence. When we collaborate, conflict catalyzes positive change.

OUR VISION is a world where cooperation is the norm—where differences stimulate social progress, rather than precipitate violence.

Will you donate today to help us make this vision a reality?

With a gift of $50, you’ll receive a free Move for Peace hat as a thank you. We hope that when you wear it, you’ll share the message of peace with everyone you meet. 

Donate now to help us reach our $10,000 fundraising goal by MIDNIGHT on September 21!

I’m in! This International Day of Peace, I want to do my part to make World Peace possible.