“Surely, there is still good in the world.” —Hatem’s Story

“There is still good in the world.”

It’s not what you’d expect to hear—not from someone who’s stood in the path of ISIS.

plc sweatshirt

Not from someone who waited years for his son to have critical heart surgery—only for doctors to open up his chest, operate on the wrong part of his heart, and take the money anyway.

But Hatem’s father believes it still.

Why? One word: you.

After a botched surgery, and after fending off ISIS for a week, Hatem’s family took refuge in Baghdad. We were able to provide them shelter, food, and winter supplies.

And last year, you helped Hatem finally get the surgery he needed his whole life..

The first thing he asked when he woke up: “Is it finished?”

Because of you, the answer is yes! His operation was a complete success!

There is still good in the world. Hatem and his family know it. But we need your help to make it true for others.

Make your year-end gift today. Help provide a lifesaving heart surgery for a child like Hatem.