Summer Internship 2021

Amanda Young

Hello! My name is Amanda and I recently graduated from Seattle Pacific University with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing. In the course of the pandemic, I have been able to explore my passion for storytelling through journalism and blogging. With the guidance and input of a few mentor figures, I have identified this desire to write as a means of serving those with stories that are misunderstood or narrowly drawn in the media. I am so honored to be able to work as a Communications Intern this summer for Preemptive Love, and to be a witness to the way this organization tackles sustainable rebuilding for communities affected by violence.

Preemptive Love’s branding as global peacemakers gives me hope for the direction of a society that is layered with brokenness. One of the things that I hope to do throughout this internship is break down the single stories that exist for an outsider coming into Iraq. In Chimamanda Adichie’s TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story,” she expands on the concept of single stories and the way they limit empathy and grow fear of the “other.” I hope that as a Communications Intern I can learn how to better represent the Iraqi stories in a light that moves people to connect with them, and see both differences and similarities to our shared human experience.

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