Hi friends at Otter Creek Church! You may have heard recently about the massive explosions in Lebanon. The blasts hit a large area around Beirut’s port, including one of the poorest parts of the city. Preemptive Love is already onsite. They know how to help.

Preemptive Love’s Lebanese-led team is on the ground, providing ready to eat hot foods to some of the 300,000 who are displaced from their homes today.

To continue this work, the people of Beirut also need us to show up for them. Donating $15 will provide food for a family of 5 in Beirut right now and will help give hope to those that need it.

We can all make a huge impact if we gather together to help the people in Beirut, so let’s start showing up for them today alongside Preemptive Love!

Here’s a message from Preemptive Love’s founder, Jeremy Courtney:

$6,053 of $5,000 goal