20 Missions Later—You’re Still Saving Lives

Three and a half years ago you helped launch the very first Remedy Mission inside Iraq.

Today, twenty missions later, you have helped save the lives of more than 315 children through Remedy Missions alone. This doesn’t include the hundreds who have been saved through Remedy Fellowship. Beyond the immediate impact on these lives, you helped provide tens of thousands of hours of hands-on training for locals like Dr. Akeel, Dr. Zainab, and hundreds of medical professionals across the country.

We see your impact on a daily basis.

Your donations have ensured that hundreds each year can have access to the lifesaving surgery they need.

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Remedy Mission XX continues your impact. These past two weeks we witnessed Zainab, Hussein, Fatima, and twelve others receive lifesaving surgeries. We witnessed thousands of hours of training given around the clock to local doctors and nurses. We witnessed two surgical operations that had never been performed before in this local heart center, bringing inspiration and hope to an entire local community who thought these kind of lifesaving operations were only available outside of Iraq.

This is your impact!

We have two more Remedy Missions just around the corner, but we need your help. Will you donate today and continue your lifesaving impact inside Iraq?

Your donations will help launch two more Remedy Missions in central and southern Iraq before the year ends.

Click here to donate now!

Our Partners:

Living Light InternationalInternational Children's Heart Foundation