25 Days of Peace: December 24

As part of our new Gift Catalog, we created this activity guide to help you practice peace in small ways during the holiday season.

Today, let’s take a moment to reflect on this peacemaking journey…

Day 24: Silence, Part Two

Spend a moment in silence to ponder the things you have learned during these 25 Days of Peace.

As we draw close to the end of these 25 Days of Peace, let’s take another day to practice five minutes of silence.

Consider this journey into peace that you’ve taken. What has stuck with you? What can you carry forward with you into the future? Write three goals you have pertaining to peace in your neighborhood, your country, or your world.

Come back tomorrow for the final day! You can also view the full 25 Days of Peace activity guide here.


Wage Peace in Syria and Iraq as You Wage Peace at Home…

save lives on the frontlines of war
