As part of our new Gift Catalog, we created this activity guide to help you practice peace in small ways during the holiday season.
Today, seek out the marginalized, forgotten, or excluded members of your community…
Day 14: Peace to the Overlooked
Write a kind note to an elderly friend, perhaps a relative (or a friend’s relative) or even a stranger at a local nursing home.
Every culture and society, including ours, has vulnerable members, people who live in loneliness or solitude. The elderly often find themselves in this category, neglected or forgotten. Write out a kind note to an elderly friend—perhaps a relative of yours or a friend’s relative or even a stranger at a local nursing home. Tell them you are thinking of them, and include your return address so that they can write back.
Come back tomorrow for day 15! You can also view the full 25 Days of Peace activity guide here.
Wage Peace in Syria and Iraq as You Wage Peace at Home…
Order by December 15 to receive your order by Christmas!