25 Days of Peace: December 21

As part of our new Gift Catalog, we created this activity guide to help you practice peace in small ways during the holiday season.

Today, we’d like to share another powerful story of hope and peace reclaimed through soapmaking…

Day 21: Hope, Reclaimed From the Ashes

Watch the powerful story behind Kinsman Soap, one of the items in our gift catalog.

It’s time to learn more about the courageous people in the Middle East who are shining a light in dark places and trying hard to bring peace into a war-torn region. Today, watch our video about Kinsman Soap, but don’t just keep it to yourself! Watch it with your family or a few friends and spend some time talking about it.

Come back tomorrow for day 22! You can also view the full 25 Days of Peace activity guide here.


Wage Peace in Syria and Iraq as You Wage Peace at Home…

save lives on the frontlines of war
