A Tour for You—New Stories, New Speakers, & New Film

Our 2014 Fall Tour starts this August, and we’re dreaming up new ways to visit and serve you where you work, study, worship, and play.

We’ve seen it countless times: the message of preemptive love encourages and challenges people toward a greater kind of love for their family, friends, and even enemies.

Here are THREE reasons to host a gathering in your community this fall:

1. Discuss. We’ll create a space where you and your friends and family can talk honestly with us about the challenges of violence, prejudice, injustice, as well as stories that will lead you and your community to think creatively and critically about what it really means to make a difference, both in your communitiy and in Iraq.

2. Hear A Woman’s Take. For the first time ever, Preemptive Love cofounder Jessica Courtney will share personal stories from 8 years of life and work in Iraq. Jessica’s deep love for the underdog and her unwavering commitment to Iraqi children and their families is contagious—we can’t wait for you to meet her!

save lives on the frontlines of war

3. Build Bridges. With one eye on your community and another on Iraq, we are committed to bringing disparate communities together. Like us, you probably know people who are skeptical of other races or religions. This is your chance to host a gathering that will show something different, that will tell a different story.

Fill out the NO COMMITMENT FORM below to make a simple inquiry or float an idea about hosting a gathering with us, and be sure to check the tour calendar below to see when we’ll be near you!

More questions? Email Alexis.Anderson@preemptivelove.org, our tour-master, for the answers.

August — Texas, Georgia
Early September — Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Washington DC
Mid-September — South Carolina, Florida
Late September — Florida, Georgia
October — Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, N & S Carolinas
Early November — Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan
Mid-November — Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas Panhandle, Colorado
December — Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington
NOTE: tour dates and locations are still being planned and are subject to change.