After A Successful Surgery, Fatima Is Now Recovering In ICU!

Fatima resting up after her successful heart surgery!

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If you’ve been following Fatima’s story, you’ll be happy to hear that her surgery was a HUGE success! Her mother was right: this was a gift from God. She may not seem energetic now, but in a few days she’s expected to be as joyful and fun as ever.

As of today, the grand total of heart operations for Remedy Mission VII is 24! That’s the largest number of lifesaving operations ever provided during a single mission, and it also puts us over 200 total!

These are big milestones, and they’re proof that you and I–along with the rest of the Coalition–are capable of truly blessing hundreds of families in Iraq. Right now, 24 families in southern Iraq are on their way home to celebrate new life.

Thank you for giving them that reason to celebrate!