What Can You Do For Baghdad Bombing Victims? Show Up.

The death toll from this week’s bombing in Baghdad has risen to nearly 300. While there is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to an attack like this, Sunday’s bombing is the worst Baghdad has seen since the Iraq War began 13 years ago.

After a week filled with violence—also including attacks in Istanbul, Bangladesh, and Saudi Arabia—many Muslims are wondering:

Where is the outcry? Where is the public outpouring of support? Where is the grief for our loss?

“Why isn’t #PrayForIraq” trending on Twitter?” Razan Hasan of Baghdad asked yesterday.

Why are we prone to shrug off massacres when their victims are a different nationality or skin color or religion? Does their blood matter less?

Not to you, it doesn’t. So what can you do to stand with the people of Baghdad, who are still mourning while most of the world has moved on?

Show up.

Show them you haven’t moved on. That you haven’t forgotten. That you know their blood is as precious as anyone else’s.

sisterhood soap

Below, you’ll find a list of vigils for Baghdad that are posted to Facebook. Find one in your area and attend, if you can. If you don’t see one close to where you live, start one. Share it on social media. Invite your friends and loved ones. Ask them to join you in remembering Baghdad, just as we remembered Paris and Brussels. Just as we rightly pause in the wake of violence that, for many of us, hits closer to home: San Bernardino, Orlando, and this week’s shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Whatever you do, silence is not an option. Shrugging off this tragedy because “that’s just what happens over there” or “to those people” is not an option.

Violence has unmade Baghdad. Your love can help begin to heal the wounds—simply by showing up. 

Vigils for Baghdad
The following events have been publicly shared on Facebook. Additional vigils may be posted elsewhere. All times local.

Washington, DC (Dupont Circle)
TODAY at 7:30pm
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San Francisco, California
TODAY at 6pm
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Toronto, Ontario
TODAY at 8pm
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Washington, DC (White House)
July 8 at 7pm
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Bristol, United Kingdom
July 8 at 6:30pm
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Melbourne, Australia
July 9 at 6pm
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Montreal, Quebec
July 10 at 7pm
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London, United Kingdom
July 10 at 3pm
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Sydney, Australia
July 10 at 5:30pm
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Kingston, Ontario
July 11 at 8pm
More info

Image via Twitter