Finding Work after War: A Tech Hub Story

Iraqi families have known almost three decades of conflict. War and violence deter investment, contributing to a sluggish economy already held hostage to the price of oil. One out of every four working-age people in Iraq is unemployed, and that figure rises for Iraq’s youth. 

save lives on the frontlines of war

Livelihoods are a necessary building block of peace. Communities coming out of conflict often have to rebuild themselves because government resources are scarce. You saw that need and responded. Thanks to you, hundreds of young Iraqis can develop their technology, business, and English skills in our tech hubs. That way, they are better prepared to meet and master the challenges of the twenty-first century. 

Watch how Shallan improved his social media marketing skills and found something he never bargained for at our tech hub. Thanks to you, he is changing his story from one of despair to one of hope.