Give Supplies, Save Lives—Donate to Our Medical Supply Campaign

Destroyed hospitals; poverty; sectarian strife.

So many things can keep an Iraqi child from the lifesaving surgery he or she needs—don’t let medical supplies be one of them!

Now you can remove a barrier and help save the life of a child: click here to donate.

plc sweatshirt

Each operation requires these supplies, and—for as little as $9—you can provide a packet of lifesaving stitches. 

$56 provides a small heart patch, and $280 provides a child with a large heart patch used to close holes in his or her heart. 

By this afternoon, there will have been 13 surgeries on Remedy Mission XIX—13 surgeries for which medical supplies have made all the difference. Join us in changing the lives of kids like Alaa, Jasmin, and Marlin by clicking here.

Our Partners:

 Living Light InternationalInternational Children's Heart Foundation