How I Botched Mother’s Day (and how you can avoid making the same mistake!)

If you were to judge me solely by the gifts I gave my mother on Mother’s Day, well, I’d be in serious trouble.

I put a paltry amount of effort into Mother’s Day. I’d get Dad to drive me over to the mall, buy the first mom-ish looking thing I found, and then drag it out from under my bed on Mother’s Day (usually with the price tag on and still inside the store bag). It’s as if to say, “You suffered me into existence, gave me a body that works. You cooked, cleaned, wiped and worked so that someday I could grow up and live well… here’s some scented antibacterial soap.”

sisterhood soap

It’s universally understood that no one can repay their mother – we all get that – but they can certainly put more thought and care into Mother’s Day than I did. 

Luckily for you, we’re making that extremely easy for you to do this Mother’s Day. We’re offering a gift that will show your mother you care about her and about hardworking women like her around the world.

Our friends at Prosperity Candle are selling candles made by moms in Iraq. The profits from each candle sale are going toward providing a living wage for these hardworking women in distressed areas of Iraq and a percentage of sales will go toward children’s heart surgeries. Helping save the lives of Iraqi children and providing jobs for Iraqi women makes this the perfect opportunity for you to get Mom a Mother’s Day gift that has meaning beyond the mall. Click HERE to bless her and mothers and children in Iraq this Mother’s Day!