Hussain Is Finally Here, And We Showed Him Pictures Of You!

A photo of Hussain, an Iraqi boy in need of lifesaving heart surgery.

At long last, our spunky little star has arrived! In Hussain-like fashion, he immediately began giving out high-fives and challenging local staff to imaginary games that he somehow always won.

Most of the children scheduled for surgery just show up and get it a few days later, and that makes it tough to connect with the kids and their families.

But Hussain is different. I know him, the locals know him, and you know him. He’s a familiar face to all of us.

And that’s why we’re so excited to share his journey through the hospital with you! He’ll start with an echo (a screening) to check up on his heart, then he’ll wait while the doctors make sure he’s a good candidate for surgery. Then, if he’s chosen, he’ll be prepped and sent into surgery, then released into the ICU, and then—if all goes well—he’ll be sent up to the ward to rest and await his release.

We plan to take you along this journey, so keep reading over the next week to share in Hussain’s excitement as he gets his heart fixed!

sisterhood soap

Before all of that, though, I wanted to tell him about you, so I grabbed a computer and showed him his personal update page. Below are some of the photos we grabbed of him perusing the site. If you haven’t seen it or left him a message, it isn’t too late! Head over by clicking here and leave him a photo, video, or note wishing him a successful surgery.

A photo of Jeremy Courtney showing Hussain the photos on his personal support page.

A photo of Jeremy Courtney showing Hussain the photos on his personal support page.

A photo of Jeremy Courtney showing Hussain the photos on his personal support page.