You Gave This Child in Libya a Second Chance at Heart Surgery

Your faithfulness made a 9-year dream come true!

You sent us back to Libya this month, so we could  continue serving children who are dying for lack of access to heart surgeries. While here, we saw a familiar face—young Awad, who missed out on surgery in April. He finally got the surgical correction to saved his life!

Awad was all ready for surgery during our last medical mission to Libya. He was in the ward with his mom, waiting for his turn in the operating room. But instead of surgery, he got a bed in the ICU—Awad came down with a normal childhood illness that became life-threatening for him. He got great care from the ICU nurses, but wasn’t strong enough for surgery.

He was sent home to rest and get stronger.

This was devastating for Awad’s parents. They were so anxious for their boy to get surgery. We didn’t know it at the time, but Awad is their only child, and they had tried for 8 years to get pregnant.

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Awad was longed for—prayed for—for so many years. They were afraid their chance to keep their beloved son was lost when he was discharged from the hospital earlier this year.

This is where you come in to Awad’s story.

You made it possible for us to return to Libya. You gave Awad another chance at surgery. And this time, his heart was healed and his life was saved.

It was a sweet belated birthday present for Awad’s parents. Their son turned one year old, just five days before his surgery. Now they can look forward to spending many more years with him.

Awad’s family prayed for this day for 9 years.

You were the answer to their prayers.

Thank you.