Loving the People No One Else Will Love: It’s a Commitment, Not A Contest

We go where no one else will go, to love those no one else will love.

It’s not a bragging statement. It’s not an empty slogan. It’s not a catchphrase.

This is our operational model—our guiding principle. This is how we work and how your donations are invested. We actively look for unserved people, in the places where others won’t go, and together we serve there.

Sometimes needs go unmet because the situation is too dangerous—like in besieged Haditha.

Sometimes it takes years to build the kind of local partnerships that provide access—like in recently liberated neighborhoods in Mosul.

Sometimes it’s because the situation is extremely complicated, and there are no easy answers—like Aleppo.

Sometimes it’s because people are living in places considered too rural, in villages that are too small, too remote—like the back side of Sinjar mountain.

Sometimes needs go unmet because the world has decided that some are not worthy—like imprisoned ISIS fighters or their widows.

And sometimes, like Libyan children in desperate need of lifesaving heart surgeries, it seems the world just doesn’t think about them at all.

save lives on the frontlines of war

There is need, of course, for massive organizations like the UN, who create temporary cities that house thousands of refugees in times of emergency. We aren’t needed where other organizations are already working. But so many people never reach camps—never even try.

In countries like Iraq and Syria, we can’t even talk in terms of “people falling through the cracks,” because frankly, the cracks are canyons.

We take calculated risks to serve these families because we believe they are no less deserving of love and practical help than those who reach the displacement camps. Parents, children, and grandparents shouldn’t have to brave all the bombs and bullets to come to us. We should go to them.

Preemptive Love Coalition was established because we saw a massive need in a difficult place that wasn’t being met—thousands of children in post-war Iraq needed surgery for complicated heart defects, or else they would die. The size of the need didn’t scare us off because you showed up—you said yes!

When ISIS came on the scene in 2014 and began taking land and lives in Iraq, you showed up to help. When cluster bombs and forced displacement crushed the people of Aleppo, you showed up to help.

Again and again, you have stood with those in need.

How can you and I say that we go where no one else will go, to love those no one else will love? Because that’s what we’ve done for nearly ten years, and what we’ll continue to do. Together.

  Come with us to the places no one else will go, to love the people no one else will love.

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