Old Friends With New Hearts


Remember Ahmed, Noor, Hussein, and Riza from our first Remedy? 

They remember you! 

They were the group of four who traveled 600 kilometers north to receive their life-saving surgeries last August. Today, they only had to go down the road to show us how well they were all doing!I didn’t even recognize any of them! Can you?

Together, all four have gained a total of 33 pounds since their operation! All their parents said the same thing, “They won’t stop moving or eating!” All signs that their body is getting stronger each day with their whole hearts. Ahmed’s parents are doing great after their car accident. His father is back at work and his mom has the new full-time job of keeping up with Ahmed! 

sisterhood soap


Riza’s mother said, “She’s a completely new child since the surgery. Before, she couldn’t stand or crawl but now she’s running everywhere!”


Hussein’s mother said, “He has a fresh face now! Before, he was tired and his heart would beat fast. Now he’s full of energy and his heart doesn’t hold him back.” 


They thanked GOD for you today and they remembered how you made Remedy possible. They told me, “We’ll never forget what you did for us!”