Some weeks, it feels like the whole world is on fire.
Earthquakes, coups, murder trials… I couldn’t believe the updates moving across my screen as friends at the Boston Marathon updated in realtime.
We just finished Remedy Missions in two of the most bad-mouthed cities in the country: Tikrit and Fallujah. The headlines from the last decade might lead you to believe these places are full of sad faces, in a perpetual state of despondency.
But the Iraqi and American responses to tragedy aren’t that different: in the midst of fire, they are banding together, pressing on, and overcoming.
At every juncture, we encountered positive people who had weathered storms. Troops at checkpoints greeted us warmly, families moved in and out of hospital rooms to distribute medicine and pray for each other, and, of course, doctors and hospital staff provided life-changing operations for 16 children!
Now, I would love for you to share your own story with me. How are you seeing beyond ‘the fire’ and staying positive when faced with bombings in Boston and explosions in West, TX?
Email me at your convenience. I would love to hear back from you.
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