Parzheen is doing great, and we’re stuffed!

A Kurdish feast in celebration of Parzheen's successful surgery!

If you’d have been in Iraq this week, you would have been invited to this feast. It was a feast celebrating another healthy heart from our most recent Remedy Mission in northern Iraq.

Parzheen and her family invited us to come for a medical checkup and to see the rest of the family, including Parzheen’s grandparents and to spend a day with them in their village. All of this was to thank YOU for saving the life of their daughter! It was a perfect day.

save lives on the frontlines of war

Together with Parzheen and her family we filled the village with laughter as we filled ourselves with the most delicious Kurdish food. Everything around their home was in full bloom. The turkey’s were gobbling. The chickens were out searching for worms. The garden was beginning to show signs of life. Parzheen was outside playing and keeping up with all of her brothers and sisters, things she couldn’t do before her heart surgery.

It was all perfect and we left Parzheen with a check up that was just as perfect. She’s doing great!

Our Followthrough Program is gaining momentum as we continue to see children each week that were served during our last Remedy. Stay tuned to see more of the stories you’ve forever changed! On behalf of Parzheen, her family and all of us at PLC, thank you for saving her life!