Rapid response for Ramadi

New camps for displaced Iraqis, outside of Baghdad.

Recent fighting between ISIS and Iraqi forces around the city of Ramadi has forced 19,000 families out of their homes, newly displaced in the past two weeks. We are already there on the ground, responding to the exodus from Ramadi, and serving in Anbar and Salahaddin Provinces.

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We just released a pool of ‘quick response’ funds to be used to help those thousands locked outside of Baghdad. Traditional cycles of proposals and budgets, which we bring to donors and foundations for funding, are essential for project planning and accountability—but they also take months of waiting and leave no room to provide rapid response in emergency situations.

We spent much of this week in Baghdad, helping deliver aid and meeting families you’re helping serve across the city. We are working tirelessly to care for people from every walk of life, every sect or group.

We’re also empowering women to start businesses so they can earn money and provide for themselves. You can help make that possible.