Reclaiming Hearts in San Francisco on our Fall Heartmender Tour


Last night was our first stop in San Francisco for our Heartmender Tour and we couldn’t think of a better place to kick it all off!

It was hosted by our wonderful new friends from the Mission District where we feasted on the city’s finest local food and shared great dialogue on issues of justice, peacemaking, reconciliation, and creating postures of preemptive love that stretch from San Francisco to Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. It was a night centered around stories: our stories, their stories, and stories of Iraqi children and their families; all in the pursuit of peace.

plc sweatshirt

Through film, photography, and by sharing our hearts with each other we began a journey towards reclaiming the practice of peacemaking and reconciliation.

We’ve always loved the Mission District, but last night it was taken to a deeper level for me. I fell in love again with the people and the mosaic comprising so many backgrounds, histories, faiths, and perspectives. And thanks to the generosity of all those who attended, hearts were mended – both in our group and in Iraq!

Could a night be better spent? We don’t think so!

We will be in San Francisco until Wednesday morning before we head down to Los Angeles. If you’re in the city and want to meet up, give us a call or send us an email.