Saving Lives in Nasiriyah—Doctors Help Children From Across Iraq

While ISIS works to establish a caliphate in the north, Iraqi doctors work to save children in the south.

They’re in Nasiriyah living, learning, and operating alongside some of the best doctors and nurses in the world—and they’re not going anywhere.

In fact, as more and more Iraqis flee southward from cities like Mosul and Tikrit, these doctors have been able to help more children get the lifesaving heart surgeries they need—regardless of religion or tribe.

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“Somehow our job is not only to provide health, but also other dimensions like love, hope, and peace,” one of the Iraqi surgeons-in-training, Dr. Munaf, told us this week. “[Here] there is no difference between Sunni or Christian or Kurd—all of us belong to one country.”

As a year-long, in-country, training program, the work in Nasiriyah is our most robust method for medical development to date.

Dr. Munaf also shared that, through the work of our partners Living Light International, the International Children’s Heart Foundation, and local doctors like Dr. Akeel, the program has performed nearly 180 surgeries just this year!

Even in the midst of these troubled times, lives are still being saved. Our doctors aren’t giving up—and we hope you don’t, either.

Click here to donate toward lifesaving heart surgeries in Nasiriyah—creating a safe haven for kids from all over Iraq.