See Beyond 2016

You don’t need us to tell you that it’s been a rough year.

In America and Britain and so many parts of the world, it feels like we’re more divided than ever. Sectarian conflict is not just a Middle Eastern thing. Not by a long shot.

This year, we mourned the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. We wept with our friends in Baghdad after the worst single attack since the Iraq War killed hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers in an instant.

ISIS lost ground in 2016, but they still hold considerable territory in Syria and Iraq as the year draws to a close. They’ve proven that they’re as capable as ever of inflicting mass suffering on people who just want to live in peace.

Yet another ceasefire has gone into effect in Syria, yet real peace seems as far away as ever. Meanwhile, Eastern Aleppo is reduced to rubble. The water has run dry in Damascus.

Millions in Syria and Iraq are displaced—some living in camps, some in makeshift settlements overlooked by most of the world, and some without any kind of shelter at all.

This was the year that tens of thousands fled Fallujah for the desert after enduring more than two years of ISIS rule. This was the year Aleppo families slept out in the open as airstrikes pounded their homes into dust.

But this was also the year that you showed up with with greater, more daring acts of preemptive love than ever before. Millions of liters of water. Millions of pounds of food. Dozens of people empowered to start new businesses, impacting hundreds—even thousands—of lives around them.

You reached more than 200,000 people in some of the most overlooked, hardest-to-reach places on earth.

sisterhood soap

As we go into 2017, you’ve increased our Aleppo response by a factor of 10. Your love is reaching eastern Aleppo, the very edge of ISIS-held Mosul, and all over Syria, Iraq, Libya, and beyond.

Your love has risked airstrikes, sniper fire, and ISIS mortars to bring aid to those who need it most.

We are not stopping in 2017. We are scaling up.

We will continue to expand our response in and around Aleppo, feeding those who have nothing to eat and providing jobs and income to help families rebuild their lives.

We will launch more refugee-owned businesses than ever before in Syria and Iraq, empowering hundreds of displaced entrepreneurs to reclaim their future.

We will continue showing up in the hard places, laying down our lives for “the other.” With your help, we’ll continue to be first in, last to leave. Because that’s what love does.

Your love sees beyond despair, beyond war, beyond violence. Your love sees beyond all the tragedy and mess of 2016. We don’t deny the mess. We don’t deny the despair. But we see something else beyond it…


Hope that refugees and families disrupted by war can do more than survive in 2017. They can thrive. They can flourish.

Because you will be with them as they make the long journey home, as they remake what violence unmade.

Your love can see beyond violence and remake the world in 2017. Give today.

Create a brighter 2017 for refugees in Syria and Iraq. Make your tax-deductible, year-end gift today.

Donate Now

To give by check, make yours out to Preemptive Love Coalition and send it to:

Preemptive Love Coalition
1300 Darbyton Drive
Hewitt, TX 76643

Make sure it’s postmarked today to receive your year-end tax deduction!