Shopping Sprees Save Lives—Create a Pure Charity Account and Give as You Go

Shop. Earn. Give.

This is the process of Pure Charity—an online donation site that connects people, businesses, and charities to fund projects through online shopping. 

We recently met the founders and loved their pitch—so much so that we created our own profile with them (click here to see it!). With your help, one of our projects has already been fully funded!

Here’s how it works:

kinsman soap

Pure Charity partners with online retailers like Target, Gap, Apple, Best Buy, and Nike—to name only a few—that put a percentage of your purchase back into your giving fund.

Your usual shopping routine doesn’t change, because Pure Charity notifies you when you shop at one of its partner stores with a helpful browser plugin. So every time you buy from one of these brands, your money grows. 

As your giving fund expands with every online shopping spree, you can give a tax-free donation from your fund to help save an Iraqi child through lifesaving heart surgery.

From there, you can do as you please—shop, earn, give. Repeat.

So whether you’re a shopaholic, or a humanitarian, or both—click here to create a Pure Charity account and help save the lives of Iraqi children even as you go about living yours.