To All the Dads Who Remake the World…

To the all dads who remake the world for their kids, in ways big and small…

To dads like Malak’s, who would come straight to the hospital every day after work (and sometimes before work too) so he could be with his daughter as she recovered in the ICU…

To dads like Hatem’s, who waited years for his son to get the care he needed, who refused to give up, even after a botched surgery in Turkey.. 

save lives on the frontlines of war

To dads like Ali’s, who traveled into “enemy” territory, entrusting his son to those he’d been taught to fear, so he could bring Ali home with a mended heart…

To dads like Majid, who, after losing everything to ISIS, invested tears and time into making sure his son Isaac got the medical care he needed…

To dads like Shareef, who protected his family from ISIS, who journeyed 700 miles to find a doctor capable of saving his daughter…

To all the dads who choose hope over fear, who show their kids a love that knows no sectarian boundaries, who wage peace one heart at a time—beginning with their own… 

You are your kids’ hero. And you’re our hero, too. Happy Father’s Day.